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Same Points Between Calcite Grinding Mill and Calcite Raymond Mill
- 2017-08-29 -

There is a very big same between calcite grinding mill and calcite Raymond mill. Both of them are the high efficient powder making machine. Beside this, what’s the other same points the calcite grinding mill and calcite Raymond mill have?

calcite grinding mill

First, both calcite grinding mill and calcite Raymond mill can be used in superfine powder grinding. But there are some difference, calcite grinding mill can be used in 300 mesh to 3000 mesh superfine grinding, the minimum powder fineness made by calcite Raymond mill is 425 mesh. So if you want to process more than 500 mesh superfine calcite powder, you should choose calcite grinding mill.

Second, both calcite grinding mill and calcite Raymond mill have a long development history. But compare with calcite grinding mill, calcite Raymond mill is earlier. So the calcite Raymond mill is more urgent and has a long history, and the function development is also more perfect.

calcite Raymond mill

Thirdly, no matter calcite grinding mill or calcite Raymond mill made by our Shanghai Clirik Machinery are both good quality and cheaper price. As a professional mining equipment manufacturer. We not only can develop the new technology grinding mill, but also can reduce the cost for our customers.

If you are interested in our calcite powder making machine, welcome to inquiry!


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